Navigation to Survivorship Network
Spring 2022

Butler Arts & Events Center
Fall 2021
Navigation to Survivorship Network
Navigation to Survivorship Network (N2SN) planned a virtual month-long event in October 2021. Five fountains, was tasked with promoting and fundraising for the event through social media, while also increasing engagement. A social media calendar was created for the event.

Five fountains looked at the creative brief created for N2SN. The team assessed other social media accounts in the industry while speaking with N2SN leaders about their vision for voice and the event’s purpose. N2SN’s existing and proposed publics were taken into account when social media networks were chosen.
The team created a social media template that allowed the team and N2SN leaders to see planned social media posts.
Publics: Cancer patients in Indiana age 30-70; Family and friends of cancer patients age 30-70
Strategies: 1. Post about N2SN events and cancer or health-related holidays with eye-catching graphics. 2. Create instructions for N2SN leaders for Instagram take-overs.
Materials: Google Sheets, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn
Budget: $0
Limitations: Existing publics and intended publics were vastly different ages. Beginning platforms were underdeveloped.
Goal: Raise stretch goal of $50,000; Gain 1,000 followers across all social media platforms
Objectives: 1. Post twice a week on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. 2. Interact with followers on each platform.
- September 12, 2021 – Social Media Calendar duties delegated
- September 17, 2021– Social Media Calendar approved by N2SN leaders
- November 30, 2021 – Last social media post
The N2SN client team appointed its Creative Manager the head of social media. They delegated the creation of the calendar to a team member and the research of post content to another.

By Nov. 30, 2021, N2SN had 48 Instagram followers, 60 Facebook followers, and 50 LinkedIn followers, not 1,000 but still an increase of over 3%. The month-long event had 41 individual participants and 12 teams raising a total of $15,185. Although short of the stretch goal, N2SN was still pleased with the results, which was more than expected.
Butler Arts & Events Center
To spread awareness about the National Geographic Live events held at Clowes Memorial Hall on Oct. 26, 2021, and Nov. 17, 2021, the team created flyers to be distributed around Butler University’s campus and the Indianapolis area. This was only one set of marketing materials used as part of the campaign.

To achieve the client’s goal of raising awareness for these events, the team looked closely at their target audience—Butler students and Indianapolis community members. Five fountains made two versions of the flyer to reflect each audience’s needs and to provide specific information regarding their attendance at the event. Along with this, the team looked at the Marketing Portal National Geographic provided as well as their branding guide. These ensured that their work matched National Geographic’s expectations for promotion of the events.
After initial research, the team met with their client, Butler Arts & Events Center, to discuss the campaign and their expectations surrounding the event promotion. Five fountains made sure the flyers reflected both our clients’ ideas as well as National Geographic’s brand guidelines.
Publics: Butler University students and Indianapolis community members, speakers, staff, client team
Strategies: Leverage community partners to increase awareness and word-of-mouth about upcoming events. Build consumer loyalty through strategic, targeted follow-up, and activation methods to encourage first-time consumers to make a second purchase. Generate print and digital content that intrigues curious members of the community to read more about the event and purchase tickets.
Materials: National Geographic brand guidelines, National Geographic Marketing Portal, Adobe InDesign
Budget: $0
Goal: To spread awareness of the National Geographic events put on by Butler Arts & Events Center to the local Indianapolis community.
Objectives: Increase the target audience’s awareness of Butler Arts & Events Center’s hosting of National Geographic events by Nov. 17, 2021. Generate increased target audience engagement of National Geographic Live promotions by Nov. 17, 2021.
- Sept. 18, 2021 – Flyer drafts initiated
- Oct. 8, 2021 – Flyers approved, distribution starts
- Oct. 26, 2021 – First National Geographic event
- Nov. 17, 2021 – Second National Geographic event
Limitations: Designs were limited to using photos by National Geographic and by the boundaries of their brand guidelines. The team was also limited in which areas they were able to hang up flyers.
The team worked to create appealing designs using assets from National Geographic that fell within the parameters of their brand guidelines. This involved a couple of review cycles going from our team to Butler Arts Center, then to National Geographic. Five fountains also created a QR code to put on the flyers so our audience could easily access the website to buy tickets to each event. Finally, the team strategically located places on Butler’s campus and in popular areas of Indianapolis to place these flyers in populated areas with local permission.

Due to the limited information given from the client, the team was unable to evaluate the success of their objectives through numerical data. Knowing this, the only evaluation five fountains was able to do was to go to the events and see the audience turnout. There was a good representation of the targeted audiences engaged at both events.